
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

God is so unpredictable! A snow storm in March? Really?

So on Thursday, everyone woke up to three feet of snow at their front door and a blizzard, and Homer saw its first snow day!!! No one could believe it, but I was snowed in for three days because Shea just started working on my dad's freight barge again, so they were up Cook Inlet for 3 days.. So i stayed home scrapbooking, hanging out with my dogs and watching movies until he came home to bail me out. He's leaving again tomorrow (Wednesday) for 5 days! And the snow storm will not stop! This morning Toby (our basset hound) had his dog house 4 feet covered with snow. Needless to say, we're praying it stops so we can see spring sometime soon. Here are pictures!


  1. I had heard from My Dad that you guys got a "little" storm :) That is A LOT of snow and I am sure that you are ready for it to be gone already!!!

    Let's hope spring is around the corner!!! I hope that Shea is liking working for your Dad and things work out for a house in the future :)

  2. Oh my goodness. Your dad and Carol got the worst of it on the hill! The first two days, no one cold get to them so they were 6-7 feet snowed in! And it's the only storm we've had this whole winter, so it's definitely a bummer it came right before spring. And it just won't stop snowing, for even 5 minutes. It's amazing.
    Thanks! He is, he likes working with my family (they all have a good sense of humor) so they get along really well. Yeah our small plan now is to buy property at the end of the summer or fall and then build on it eventually. But we don't have children and we don't plan on having them for at least a couple of years, so until then we're not really in need of a house.
