
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

So long. Time goes so fast.

Sorry it's been a couple of months since I posted last. Not much is new here though. I got a new Canon Rebel for my birthday in a few weeks and I LOVE it! Shea is out at Port Heiden until the 13th :( I'm missing him very much. We got a new dirt bike!! We both love it. I'm starting to think we're adrenaline junkies.
Our 1 year anniversary is approaching quickly, on August 22nd, but I feel like we were married yesterday.
Looks like it will be awhile before we make it down there, but we're trying.

My little brother, Ryan. We almost lost him in a hitch-hike stabbing in July, so I've never been more grateful to have him. He's recovering really well.

Aiden boy, he's great!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures and what a cute nephew you have of course I am partial to the name Aidan!!!

    It sounds like your life is as crazy and busy as everyone else's enjoy the motorbike and the time you get with SHEA!!!
